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namestringImmutable. The resource name, in the format accounts/{account_id}.
verificationStatestringOutput only. If verified, future locations that are created are automatically connected to Google Maps, and have Google+ pages created, without requiring moderation.
accountNamestringRequired. The name of the account. For an account of type PERSONAL, this is the first and last name of the user account.
typestringRequired. Contains the type of account. Accounts of type PERSONAL and ORGANIZATION cannot be created using this API.
primaryOwnerstringRequired. Input only. The resource name of the account which will be the primary owner of the account being created. It should be of the form accounts/{account_id}.
permissionLevelstringOutput only. Specifies the permission level the user has for this account.
accountNumberstringOutput only. Account reference number if provisioned.
vettedStatestringOutput only. Indicates whether the account is vetted by Google. A vetted account is able to verify locations via the VETTED_PARTNER method.
organizationInfoobjectAdditional information stored for an organization.
rolestringOutput only. Specifies the AccountRole of this account.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTaccountsIdGets the specified account. Returns NOT_FOUND if the account does not exist or if the caller does not have access rights to it.
listSELECTLists all of the accounts for the authenticated user. This includes all accounts that the user owns, as well as any accounts for which the user has management rights.
createINSERTCreates an account with the specified name and type under the given parent. - Personal accounts and Organizations cannot be created. - User Groups cannot be created with a Personal account as primary owner. - Location Groups cannot be created with a primary owner of a Personal account if the Personal account is in an Organization. - Location Groups cannot own Location Groups.
patchEXECaccountsIdUpdates the specified business account. Personal accounts cannot be updated using this method.