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locationsarrayThe locations.
nextPageTokenstringIf the number of locations exceeded the requested page size, this field is populated with a token to fetch the next page of locations on a subsequent call to ListLocations. If there are no more locations, this field is not present in the response.
totalSizeintegerThe approximate number of Locations in the list irrespective of pagination.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
accounts_locations_listSELECTaccountsIdLists the locations for the specified account.
getSELECTlocationsIdReturns the specified location.
accounts_locations_createINSERTaccountsIdCreates a new Location that will be owned by the logged in user.
deleteDELETElocationsIdDeletes a location. If this location cannot be deleted using the API and it is marked so in the google.mybusiness.businessinformation.v1.LocationState, use the Google Business Profile website.
associateEXEClocationsIdAssociates a location to a place ID. Any previous association is overwritten. This operation is only valid if the location is unverified. The association must be valid, that is, it appears in the list of SearchGoogleLocations.
clearLocationAssociationEXEClocationsIdClears an association between a location and its place ID. This operation is only valid if the location is unverified.
patchEXEClocationsIdUpdates the specified location.
updateAttributesEXEClocationsIdUpdate attributes for a given location.