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namestringRequired. Google identifier for this location in the form: locations/{location_id}/lodging
metadataobjectMetadata for the Lodging.
wellnessobjectGuest facilities at the property to promote or maintain health, beauty, and fitness.
accessibilityobjectPhysical adaptations made to the property in consideration of varying levels of human physical ability.
propertyobjectGeneral factual information about the property's physical structure and important dates.
parkingobjectParking options at the property.
guestUnitsarrayIndividual GuestUnitTypes that are available in this Lodging.
connectivityobjectThe ways in which the property provides guests with the ability to access the internet.
someUnitsobjectFeatures and available amenities in the guest unit.
policiesobjectProperty rules that impact guests.
poolsobjectSwimming pool or recreational water facilities available at the hotel.
sustainabilityobjectSustainability practices implemented at the hotel.
activitiesobjectAmenities and features related to leisure and play.
housekeepingobjectConveniences provided in guest units to facilitate an easier, more comfortable stay.
servicesobjectConveniences or help provided by the property to facilitate an easier, more comfortable stay.
transportationobjectVehicles or vehicular services facilitated or owned by the property.
familiesobjectServices and amenities for families and young guests.
businessobjectFeatures of the property of specific interest to the business traveler.
healthAndSafetyobjectHealth and safety measures implemented by the hotel during COVID-19.
commonLivingAreaobjectAn individual room, such as kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, within a bookable guest unit.
petsobjectPolicies regarding guest-owned animals.
allUnitsobjectFeatures and available amenities in the guest unit.
foodAndDrinkobjectMeals, snacks, and beverages available at the property.


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